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Brand store partner

Looking to start your own business? Are you ready to start your growth journey?

Join Hands with ZADASTAR India’s fastest-growing Home, kitchen, and Lifestyle appliances brand. Become a franchisee today!!

Products across multiple categories:

  • High quality product at an unbelievable price.
  • Products that make a difference
  • Wide range of products with versatile categories
  • A 30 yrs old established and trustworthy name
  • Amazing in-store shopping experience

Benefits of Franchise Partners:

  • Low capex, high margin
  • Quick Breakeven.

Our franchise proposition:

  • Store size (particularly 350 to 500 sq ft)
  • Break-even period (3 months)
  • Annual ROI (25 % to 30 %)
  • Investment recovery (less than 6 months)

Franchise Process:

  • Research Market: Analyse demand and competition.
  • Create a business plan: outline goals, strategies, and finances.
  • Select Location: Find a high-traffic area.
  • Register Business: Obtain licences and permits.
  • Design Store Layout: Plan the interior and exterior design.
  • Hire Staff: Recruit and train employees.


  • Market Your Store: Promote through advertising and social media.
  • Grand Opening: Host an event to attract customers.

Investment in Brand store


  • Interiors
  • IT Equips
  • Security Deposit / Lease Deposit

Support by Zadastar

  • Initial Support (One time)
  • Sustenance / Monthly

Marketing Support:

  • Creative support
  • Newspaper & Advertise
  • Digital

Excellent Company support at each step:

  • Location Finalisation
  • Tie up centralised agency for interior layout
  • Advise on various agreements
  • Training and induction
  • Pre & Post launch marketing activities Guidance
  • Retail sales expertise support